Quidnunc, whose name comes from the Latin  “what now,” is out and about as often as possible to bring you news overheard in elevators, rest rooms and spied in various e-mail boxes.

QUID HAS HEARD that the funereal social event of the season was right here in Aurora last week at Mayor Steve Hogan’s final send off. Gov. John Hickenlooper, all of the living Aurora nabobs and some who might have returned from the other side to partake, made an appearance at Hogan’s funeral May 19. The event was replete with finery from the Aurora Symphony Orchestra, police and fire color guards and just the right amount of drinking fables. Aurora Economic Development Council guru Wendy Mitchell volunteered one, relaying that the agonizing path to Aurora’s enviable Gaylord Hotel-a-palooza left a trail of tears and unspilt cocktails. “Lots of cocktails,” Mitchell said. Quid admires the idea that Colorado craft brews and whiskeys move mountains out here on the plains. Hogan was credited with pushing this flailing burg into city status, building the Anschutz Medical Campus with his own hands and inventing the idea of hotels before luring Gaylord to Aurora. For that feat, a ballroom will be named in his honor. It was at that point that also-mayor-once Ed Tauer abruptly left the service, before returning. Tauer also invented hotels and said Aurora a lot from the dais. Quid humbly suggests that when the time comes to trip the light-beer fantastic, that you remember it was I who first plagiarized former scribe Ernest Luning’s brilliant moniker for Aurora’s East Colfax Avenue to compete with Denver’s marketable LoDo fame. Aurora had made world headlines with its Johns Ad program to rid the notorious avenue of its pesky problem with prostitutes. “NoMoHoDo” should be sung on billboards from Yosemite to Tower Road, with Quid’s famous orb watching over all.


Send quality gossip leads to Quid@SentinelColorado.com.