AURORA | Local teacher Bryan Lindstrom announced his campaign Tuesday for the Ward VI seat on Aurora City Council.

The seat is currently held Francoise Bergan, whose first council term expires Nov. 2019. Bergan told the Sentinel she filed her intent to run for the seat once again last week.

Aurora Education Association High School Board of Directors Bryan Lindstrom chants into a bullhorn while protesting for increased school funding. Lindstrom has announced he plans to run for Aurora City Council.
Sentinel file photo

Lindstrom is a teacher at Hinkley High School and serves on the Board of Directors for the Aurora Education Association teacher union. Lindstrom is also a member of an Aurora activist group called Aurora Residents for Transparency and Transformation (ARTT).

Lindstrom often addresses city council on issues including ethics and transparency.

“I am running for city council because I feel my council member is not representing the interests of our great city.” Lindstrom said. “I have spent many school nights testifying and, frankly, begging council to use the power at their disposal to address the real crisis happening in our city. People are really hurting and we have the power to do something about it but, time after time, my council member votes and even actively speaks out against them… I have had enough of asking and waiting. I am going to make the changes our community is yearning for.”

In a press release, Lindstrom claimed the support of the teacher union, Aurora Board of Education members Kyla Armstrong-Romero, Kevin Cox and Marques Ivey, House Representatives Janet Buckner and Mike Weissman and Colorado’s State Treasurer Dave Young.